Custom brake

Can’t find a brake that fits your application?

Finding the perfect brake for your application can be a challenge. If you can’t find anything that fits the way you’d like it to.

Don’t worry!

We are here to offer you a tailored solution.

We specialise in tailoring brakes to specific needs, creating a customised component that fits your application perfectly.

When standard products do not meet requirements or do not integrate properly into the system, we have the capability and experience to make the exact modifications required.

Don’t settle for generic solutions.

Contact us and find out how we can design the perfect brake to optimise the performance of your application.

Examples of custom brakes:


FAE/A electromagnetic brake:

  • Magnetic field
  • Air gap compensation
  • Security system
  • Durable construction



FN pneumatic brake:

  • High load capacity
  • Proportionality with air pressure
  • Safety in detention
  • Precise control



Mechanical toothed brake:

  • Easy Integration
  • Durability
  • Toothed design
  • Manual or automatic control



Zero backlash pneumatic brake – FNSJR:

  • No radial clearance
  • Precise movement
  • Torsional stiffness
  • Durable construction
Contact EIDE to create your custom brake

At EIDE, we are ready to realise your power transmission needs.

If you are looking for a custom-designed brake for your company, do not hesitate to contact us.

Our team of experts is ready to work with you to understand your specific requirements and develop the perfect braking solution to suit your needs.

With EIDE, personalisation and efficiency go hand in hand

Contact us today to start the process of creating your custom brake.

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